Damascus Road Ministry
Your Road To Victory Has No Exits
Damascus Road Ministries was inspired by the conversion of Saul to Paul, as recorded in Acts 9:19. Our ministry draws from this pivotal story of transformation. Saul, once a fierce opponent of God's kingdom, encountered Jesus on the road to Damascus and was forever changed into Paul, one of the greatest messengers of the Gospel. This journey mirrors the path each of us must take to achieve true victory and freedom in Christ. The Road to Damascus is an “online” non-denominational, transformational ministry committed to offering encouragement and empowerment through the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit by the teaching and ministering of God’s word.
We are devoted to guiding both the “churched” and the “unchurched” towards a life of total freedom and victory in Christ. Many believers, though saved, may feel like "defeated Christians," weighed down by life’s challenges and worldly pressures. Our mission is to reignite their faith, using prayer as their compass and the Holy Spirit as their fuel.
Equally, we recognize that unbelievers may feel unworthy of God’s love or burdened by condemnation and rejection. Our ministry seeks to help you develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, introducing you to the transformative love and power of God.
Victory is not just a possibility—it’s a promise. By following the roadmap laid out in God’s Word, anyone can reach this inevitable destination. No matter where you are on your journey, we invite you to experience the life-changing power of fully surrendering to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. True transformation begins with believing and confessing Christ is the Son of God who died for your sins, renewing your mind, submitting to God’s Word, committing to prayer and worship, and embracing a new life in Christ, leaving the past behind.
The road you travel determines your destination. Like Saul, who encountered Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus and was transformed from a life of unbelief and anger into a life of purpose through the Holy Spirit, you too can experience a complete renewal. No matter the obstacles—unforgiveness, anger, defeat, or generational bondage—we are here to help you navigate life’s challenges and lead you to deliverance, total freedom, and victory in Christ.
Our ministry is distinct in that we do not accept personal financial offerings or tithes. We are a 100 percent volunteer ministry and non- salaried. However, we encourage our supporters to donate their time, gifts, and resources to their local church or charities. As the Holy Spirit leads, we will support individuals and community projects that align with our mission and we will welcome your help as the Holy Spirit leads you. We also welcome your feedback and testimonies, as your transformation is our ultimate reward.
Victory is your inheritance as a believer—embrace it, live it, and stay on your Road to Victory.
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